Tiina Randlane: 48

PhD, kaasprofessor, emeriitdotsent, töörühma juht

Tartu Ülikool, Ökoloogia ja Maateaduste Instituut, botaanika osakond

Liivi 2–343, 50409, Tartu

Tel: 52 95 135 (3532); e-mail: tiina.randlane@ut.ee

Vt ka CV-d ja publikatsioonide loendit ETIS-es.

Tegelen nii samblike ökoloogia kui süstemaatikaga. Samblike süstemaatika-alaste uuringute eesmärk on "parandada" olemasolevat süsteemi – leida liigid, mis on omavahel otseses suguluses ja paigutada nad vastavalt sellele ühte perekonda, samuti leida viise perekondade paremaks piiritlemiseks. Selleks kasutame molekulaarsete tunnusete erinevaid analüüsimeetodeid, kuid hindame paralleelselt ka morfoloogilisi ja keemilisi tunnuseid. Meie uuringute objektiks on samblikud sugukonnast Parmeliaceae, mis on suurim lihheniseerunud seente sugukond u. 80 perekonna ja 2700 liigiga.

Veel olen huvitatud Eesti samblike elustiku koosseisust, haruldastest liikidest ja kaitse võimalustest. Erinevate projektide raames olen tegelenud samblike määrajate koostamisega.

Valik publikatsioone

Marmor, L.; Tõrra, T.; Saag, L.; Leppik, E.; Randlane, T. (2013). Lichens on Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris - from tree bottom to the top. The Lichenologist 45(1): 51–63.
Download file "Marmor et al_2013_bottom-top.pdf"

Randlane, T; Saag, A.; Thell, A.; Ahti, T. (2013). Third world list of cetrarioid lichens - in a new databased form, with amended phylogenetic and type information. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 34(1): 79–84.

Saag, A.; Randlane, T.; Saag, L.; Thell, A. & Ahti, T. (2013). Third world list of cetrarioid lichens, a databased tool for documentation of nomenclatural data - lessons learned. Taxon 62.

Mark, K.; Saag, L.; Saag, A., Thell, A. & Randlane, T. (2012). Testing morphology-based delimitation of Vulpicida juniperinus and V. tubulosus (Parmeliaceae) using three molecular markers. The Lichenologist 44(6): 752–772. Download file "Mark_et_al_2012.pdf"

Marmor, L.; Tõrra, T.; Saag, L.; Randlane, T. (2012). Species richness of epiphytic lichens in coniferous forests: the effect of canopy openness. Annales Botanici Fennici 49(5–6): 352–358.

Obermayer, W.; Randlane, T. (2012). Morphological and chemical studies on Platismatia erosa (Parmeliaceae) from Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan. The Bryologist 115(1): 51–60.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Martin, L.; Timdal, E.; Nimis, P. L. (2011). Eesti puudel kasvavad suursamblikud Epiphytic macrolichens of Estonia Эпифитные макролишайники Эстонии. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.

Marmor, L.; Tõrra, T.; Saag, L.; Randlane, T. (2011). Effects of forest continuity and tree age on epiphytic lichen biota in coniferous forests in Estonia. Ecological Indicators, 11, 1270-1276.

Nelsen, M. P.; Chavez, N.; Sackett-Hermann, E.; Thell, A.; Randlane, T.; Divakar, P. K.; Rico, V. J. & Lumbsch, H. T. (2011). The cetrarioid core group revisited (Parmeliaceae, Lecanorales). The Lichenologist, 43(6): 537–551.

Saag, L.; Tõrra, T.; Saag, A.; Del-Prado, R.; Randlane, T. (2011). Phylogenetic relations of European shrubby taxa of the genus Usnea. The Lichenologist, 43(5), 427 - 444.

Marmor, L.; Tõrra, T.; Randlane, T. (2010). The vertical gradient of bark pH and epiphytic macrolichen biota in relation to alkaline air pollution. Ecological Indicators, 6, 1137-1143.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Martellos, S.; Nimis, P. L. (2010). Computer-aided, interactive keys to lichens in the EU project KeyToNature, and related resources. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 105, 37 - 42.

Saag, A.; Randlane, T.; Leht, M. (2010). Keys to plants and lichens on smartphones: Estonian examples. In: Nimis, P. L.; Vignes Lebbe, R. (eds). Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems, 195 - 199. Paris.

Randlane, T.; Leht, M.; Saag, A. (2010). The Estonian eFlora. In: Nimis, P. L.; Vignes Lebbe, R. (eds). Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems, 189 - 193. Paris.

Thell, A.; Högnabba, F.; Elix, J. A.; Feuerer, T.; Kärnefelt, I.; Myllys, L.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Stenroos, S.; Ahti, T.; Seaward, M. R.D. (2009). Phylogeny of the cetrarioid core (Parmeliaceae) based on five genetic markers. The Lichenologist, 41(5), 489 - 511.

Randlane, T.; Tõrra, T.; Saag, A.; Saag, L. (2009). Key to European Usnea species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 100, 419 - 462.

Saag, L.; Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2009). World survey of the genus Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota). The Lichenologist, 41(1), 25 - 60.

Saag, L.; Hansen, E.S.; Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2007). Survey of Lepraria and Leprocaulon in Greenland. Mycotaxon, 102, 57 - 90.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2007). Cetrarioid lichens in the southern hemisphere an identification key and distribution patterns of the species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 95, 489 - 499.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2006). Cetrarioid lichens in Europe - an identification key for the species. In: Lackovičova, A.; Guttova, A.; Lisicka, E.; Lizon, P. (eds). Central European lichens - diversity and threat, 75 - 84. Ithaca: Mycotaxon

Thell, A.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Kärnefelt, I. (2005). A new circumscription of the lichen genus Nephromopsis (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes) . Mycological Progress, 4(4), 303 - 316.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (koost.) (2004). Eesti pisisamblikud. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus

Kalda, A.; Randlane, T.; Paal, T.; Saag, A. (2004). Väike sammalde ja samblike raamat. Tallinn: BIT

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2003). Taxonomic notes on some cetrarioid lichens. Mycotaxon, 87, 479 - 487.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Suija, A. (2002). Biodiversity of lichenized taxa in Estonia: distribution of rare species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 82, 99 - 109.

Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2002). Lichenological collections and relevant databases in the University of Tartu. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 82, 285 - 290.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Obermayer, W. (2001). Cetrarioid lichens containing usnic acid from the Tibetan area. Mycotaxon, 80, 389 - 425.

Czeczuga, B.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Czeczuga-Semeniuk, E. (2000). Carotenoids in six species of the lichen genus Cetrelia from different sites in Eurasia. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 88, 51 - 60.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2000). Biogeographical survey of Estonian lichen flora, with reference to conservation strategies. Forest Snow and Landscape Research, 75(3), 381 - 390.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (eds) (1999). Second checklist of lichenized, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 35, 1 - 132.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1998). Changes in systematics of cetrarioid lichens. Sauteria, 9, 43 - 50.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1998). Synopsis of the genus Nephromopsis (fam. Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota). Cryptogamie Bryologie Lichenologie, 19(2-3), 175 - 191.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Thell, A. (1997). A second updated world list of cetrarioid lichens. The Bryologist, 100(1), 109 - 122.

Thell, A.; Randlane, T.; Kärnefelt, T.; Gao, X.-Q.; Saag, A. (1995). The lichen genus Allocetraria (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae). In : Daniels, F.J.A.; Schulz, M.; Peine, J. (eds) Flechten Follmann: contributions to lichenology in honour of Gerhard Follmann, 353 - 370. Cologne: University of Cologne.

Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (1995). Phylogenetic affinities of cetrarioid lichens. Cryptogamic Botany, 5(2), 128 - 136.

Randlane, T.; Thell, A.; Saag, A. (1995). New data about the genera Cetrariopsis, Cetreliopsis and Nephromopsis (fam. Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycotina). Cryptogamie Bryologie Lichenologie, 16(1), 35 - 60.

Thell, A.; Goward, T.; Randlane, T.; Kärnefelt, E. I.; Saag, A. (1995). Revision of the North American lichen genus Ahtiana (Parmeliaceae). The Bryologist, 98(4), 596 - 605.

Kärnefelt, I.; Thell, A.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1994). The genus Flavocetraria Kärnefelt & Thell (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycotina) and its affinities. Acta Botanica Fennica, 150, 79 - 86.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Thell, A.; Kärnefelt, I. (1994). The lichen genus Tuckneraria Randlane & Thell - a new segregate in the Parmeliaceae. Acta Botanica Fennica, 150, 143 - 151.

Trass, H. & Randlane, T. (koost.) (1994). Eesti suursamblikud. Tartu, 400 lk., 96 tahvlit.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1993). World list of cetrarioid lichens. Mycotaxon, 47, 395 - 403.

Randlane, T. (1992). Puuhabemed. Sari 'Pääsuke'. Eestimaa Looduse Fond. 96 lk.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1992). Additional data about the genus Nephromopsis (Lichens, Parmeliaceae). Mycotaxon, 44(2), 485 - 489.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1992). New combinations of some cetrarioid lichens (Parmeliaceae). Mycotaxon, 44(2), 491 - 493.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1991). Chemical and morphological variation in the genus Cetrelia in the Soviet Union. The Lichenologist, 23, 113 - 126.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1989). Chemical variation and geographical-distribution of Asahinea chrysantha (Tuck.) Culb. and C. Culb. The Lichenologist, 21, 303 - 311.


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