
PhD, vanemteadur,
Tartu Ülikool, Ökoloogia ja Maateaduste Instituut, botaanika osakond
Lai 38, 51005, Tartu
Tel: 737 6232, 526 1953 (6232); e-mail: andres.saag@ut.ee
Vt ka CV-d ja publikatsioonide loendit ETIS-es.
Osalen samblike süstemaatika-alastes uuringutes eesmärgiga "parandada" olemasolevat süsteemi – leida liigid, mis on omavahel otseses suguluses ja paigutada nad vastavalt sellele ühte perekonda, samuti leida viise perekondade paremaks piiritlemiseks. Selleks kasutame molekulaarsete tunnusete erinevaid analüüsimeetodeid, kuid hindame paralleelselt ka morfoloogilisi ja keemilisi tunnuseid. Praegu on meie uuringute objektiks samblikud sugukonnast Parmeliaceae, mis on suurim lihheniseerunud seente sugukond u. 80 perekonna ja 2700 liigiga.
Veel tegelen teadustöö materjalide andmebaasistamisega (vt nt Eesti samblike andmebaasi eSamba), interaktiivsete määrajate koostamise ja kasutuselevõtuga ning muude IT-lahendusi nõudvate töödega. Olen TEEME projekti "Digitaalsed taimetargad taskus ja arvutis – loodushariduse edendamine interaktiivsete määrajate kaudu" (2010–2013) juht.
Olen põhitäitja sihtfinantseeritavas teemas "Mükoriisat ja samblikke moodustavate seente ökoloogia, taksonoomia ning biogeograafia spetsiifilised ja integreeritud küsimused" (2008–2013, teema juht U. Kõljalg) ja ETF grandiprojektis 9109 "Lihheniseerunud seente morfoloogia-põhise taksonoomia testimine molekulaarsete markerite abil ning seosed ökoloogiliste uuringutega" (2012–2015, grandi hoidja T. Randlane). Veel olen teadusajakirja "Folia Cryptogamica Estonica" peatoimetaja.
Valik publikatsioone
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Martin, L.; Timdal, E.; Nimis, P. L. (2011). Eesti puudel kasvavad suursamblikud Epiphytic macrolichens of Estonia Эпифитные макролишайники Эстонии. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus
Saag, Lauri; Tõrra, Tiiu; Saag, Andres; Del-Prado, Ruth; Randlane, Tiina (2011). Phylogenetic relations of European shrubby taxa of the genus Usnea. The Lichenologist, 43(5), 427 - 444.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Martellos, S.; Nimis, P. L. (2010). Computer-aided, interactive keys to lichens in the EU project KeyToNature, and related resources. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 105, 37 - 42.
Saag, A.; Randlane, T.; Leht, M. (2010). Keys to plants and lichens on smartphones: Estonian examples. In: Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems: Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems; Paris, France; September 20-22, 2010. (Toim.) Nimis, P. L.; Vignes Lebbe, R.., 2010, 195 - 199.
Randlane, T.; Leht, M.; Saag, A. (2010). The Estonian eFlora. In: Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems: Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems; Paris; 20-22.09.2010. (Toim.) Nimis, .P L.; Vignes Lebbe, R., 2010, 189 - 193.
Randlane, Tiina; Leht, Malle; Saag, Andres (2010). Estonian eFlora - interactive master key and its editor. In: XXIII Conference-Expedition of the Baltic Botanists. Abstracts & Excursion Guides: XXIII Conference-Expedition of the Baltic Botanists; Haapsalu, Estonia; July 19-22, 2010. (Toim.) Abakumova, Maria; Ingerpuu, Nele; Kalamees, Rein; Püssa, Kersti. Tartu: Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts, 2010, 48 - 49.
Saag, Andres; Randlane, Tiina; Leht, Malle (2010). Keys for identification of plants and lichens in smartphones. In: XXIII Conference-Expedition of the Baltic Botanists. Abstracts & Excursion Guides: XXIII Conference-Expedition of the Baltic Botanists; Haapsalu, Estonia; July 19-22. 2010. (Toim.) Abakumova, Maria; Ingerpuu, Nele; Kalamees, Rein; Püssa, Kersti. Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts, 2010, 60 - 61.
Nimis, P. L.; Martellos, S.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2009). Eesti epifüütsed suursamblikud.
Thell, A.; Högnabba, F.; Elix, J. A.; Feuerer, T.; Kärnefelt, I.; Myllys, L.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Stenroos, S.; Ahti, T.; Seaward, M. R.D. (2009). Phylogeny of the cetrarioid core (Parmeliaceae) based on five genetic markers. The Lichenologist, 41(5), 489 - 511.
Randlane, T.; Tõrra, T.; Saag, A.; Saag, L. (2009). Key to European Usnea species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 100, 419 - 462.
Saag, L.; Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2009). World survey of the genus Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota). The Lichenologist, 41(1), 25 - 60.
Saag, L.; Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2008). The world key of the genus Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota). In: XVII Symposium of the Baltic Mycologists and Lichenologists Abstracts: Tartu University, 2008, 32.
Thell, A.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2008). Towards a new world list of cetrarioid lichens. In: XVII Symposium of the Baltic Mycologists and Lichenologists Abstracts: (Toim.) Saar, I.; Suija, A.. Tartu University, 2008, 13.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.;Tõrra, T.; Saag, L. (2008). Interactive keys for identification of lichens – a new approach. In: XVII Symposium of the Baltic Mycologists and Lichenologists Abstracts: (Toim.) Saar, I.; Suija, A.. Tartu University, 2008, 12 - 13.
Saag, A. (2007). Samblike kogu. Aan, A.; Puura, I. (Toim.). Tartu Ülikooli loodusmuuseum (20). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli loodusmuuseum
Saag, L.; Hansen, E.S.; Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2007). Survey of Lepraria and Leprocaulon in Greenland. Mycotaxon, 102, 57 - 90.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2007). Cetrarioid lichens in the southern hemisphere an identification key and distribution patterns of the species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 95, 489 - 499.
Kalda, A.; Randlane, T.; Paal, T.; Saag, A. (2006). Samblad ja samblikud. Pildikomplekt.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2006). Cetrarioid lichens in Europe - an identification key for the species. Lackovičova, A.; Guttova, A.; Lisicka, E.; Lizon, P. (Toim.). Central European lichens - diversity and threat (75 - 84). Ithaca: Mycotaxon
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2005). Primary and secondary species of lichens - a survey. In: Proceedings of the XVI Symposium of Mycologists and Lichenologists of the Baltic States: XVI Symposium of Mycologists and Lichenologists of the Baltic States, 21.09-25.09.2005, Cesis, Latvia. Cesis: Latvian Mycological Society, 2005, 25 - 29.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2005). The 5th Symposium of the International Association for Lichenology Lichens in Focus held in Tartu (Estonia) 16-21 August 2004. Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (Toim.). Lichens in focus : selection of poster contributions of IAL5 (1 - 4). Tartu: Estonian Naturalists' Society
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (Eds.) (2005). Lichens in focus: selection of poster contributions of IAL5. Tartu: Estonian Naturalists' Society
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2005). Distribution patterns of primary and secondary species in the genus (Vulpicida). Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 41, 89 - 96.
Thell, A.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Kärnefelt, I. (2005). A new circumscription of the lichen genus Nephromopsis (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes) . Mycological Progress, 4(4), 303 - 316.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (koost.) (2004). Jüriado, I.; Lõhmus, P.; Nilson, E.; Saag, L.; Suija, A. (teksti autorid): Eesti pisisamblikud. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2004). Distribution patterns of some primary and secondary cetrarioid species. Thor, G.; Nordin, A.; Hedberg, I.; Tibell, L. (Toim.). Contributions to lichen taxonomy and biogeography : dedicated to Leif Tibell. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses (359 - 376). Uppsala: Uppsala University
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (toim) (2004). Lichens in focus: selection of poster contributions of IAL5 .
Kalda, A.; Randlane, T.; Paal, T.; Saag, A. (2004). Väike sammalde ja samblike raamat. Tallinn: BIT
Randlane, Tiina; Saag, Andres (koost.); Jüriado, Inga; Lõhmus, Piret; Nilson, Eva; Saag, Lauri; Suija, Ave (teksti autorid) (2004). Eesti pisisamblikud. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2003). Hans Trass 75 - a birthday tribute. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 40, 65 - 68.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2003). Taxonomic notes on some cetrarioid lichens. Mycotaxon, 87, 479 - 487.
Saag, A.; Randlane, T.; Thell, A.; Obermayer, W. (2002). Phylogenetic analysis of cetrarioid lichens with globose ascospores. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology, Ecology, 51(2), 103 - 123.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Suija, A. (2002). Biodiversity of lichenized taxa in Estonia: distribution of rare species. In: Progress and Problems in Lichenology at the Turn of the Millenium: Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium of the International Association for Lichenology (IAL4): Fourth Symposium of the International Association for Lichenology (IAL4), 03.09-08.09.2000, Barcelona, Spain. Berlin; Stuttgart: J. Cramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2002, (Bibliotheca Lichenologica), 99 - 109.
Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2002). Lichenological collections and relevant databases in the University of Tartu. In: Progress and Problems in Lichenology at the Turn of the Millenium: Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium of the International Association for Lichenology (IAL4): Fourth Symposium of the International Association for Lichenology (IAL4), 03.09-08.09.2000, Barcelona, Spain. Berlin; Stuttgart: J. Cramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2002, (Bibliotheca Lichenologica), 285 - 290.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2001). Biogeographical survey of Estonian lichen flora, with reference to conservation strategies. Forest Snow and Landscape Research, 75(3), 381 - 390.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Obermayer, W. (2001). Cetrarioid lichens containing usnic acid from the Tibetan area. Mycotaxon, 80, 389 - 425.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Raitviir, A. (2000). XIV Symposium of Baltic Mycologists and Lichenologists, September 3-8, 1999 in Järvselja, Estonia. Folia cryptogamica estonica (1 - 6). Tartu: Estonian Naturalists' Society
Czeczuga, B.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Czeczuga-Semeniuk, E. (2000). Carotenoids in six species of the lichen genus Cetrelia from different sites in Eurasia. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 88, 51 - 60.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (editors). Contributors: Jüriado, I.; Lõhmus, P.; Martin, J.; Martin, L.; Nilson, E.; Piin, T.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Saag, L.; Sarv, M.; Suija, A.; Temina, M.; Trass, H. (1999). Second checklist of lichenized, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 35, 1 - 132.
Saag, L.; Saag, A. (1999). The genus Lepraria (Lichenes Imperfecti) in Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 34, 55 - 63.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1999). Biogeographical survey of Estonian lichen flora with references to conservation strategies.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (Eds.) (1999). Second checklist of lichenized, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Estonia. Tartu: Estonian Naturalists' Society
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1998). Changes in systematics of cetrarioid lichens. In: 3rd International Lichenological Symposium: poster contributions: 3rd International Lichenological Symposium, 01.09.-07.09.1996, Salzburg, Austria. Salzburg: Just, 1998, (Sauteria), 43 - 50.
Saag, A. (1998). Evolutionary relationships in some cetrarioid genera (lichenized Ascomycota). (Doktoritöö, Tartu Ülikool, Bioloogia-geograafiateaduskond) Tartu: Tartu University Press
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (Eds.) (1998). Lichens in Estonia and in the rest of the world: papers dedicated to Hans Trass on his 70th birthday. Tartu: Estonian Naturalists' Society
Saag, A.; Randlane, T.; Suija, A. (1998). Lichenological collections in TU. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 32, 81 - 84.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1998). Synopsis of the genus Nephromopsis (fam. Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota). Cryptogamie Bryologie Lichenologie, 19(2-3), 175 - 191.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Thell, A. (1997). A second updated world list of cetrarioid lichens. The Bryologist, 100(1), 109 - 122.
Thell, A.; Randlane, T.; Kärnefelt, T.; Gao, X.-Q.; Saag, A. (1995). The lichen genus Allocetraria (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae). Daniels, F.J.A.; Schulz, M.; Peine, J. (Toim.). Flechten Follmann: contributions to lichenology in honour of Gerhard Follmann (353 - 370). Cologne: University of Cologne
Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (1995). Phylogenetic affinities of cetrarioid lichens. Cryptogamic Botany, 5(2), 128 - 136.
Randlane, T.; Thell, A.; Saag, A. (1995). New data about the genera Cetrariopsis, Cetreliopsis and Nephromopsis (fam. Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycotina). Cryptogamie Bryologie Lichenologie, 16(1), 35 - 60.
Thell, A.; Goward, T.; Randlane, T.; Karnefelt, EI.; Saag, A. (1995). Revision of the North American lichen genus Ahtiana (Parmeliaceae). The Bryologist, 98(4), 596 - 605.
Trass, H.; Randlane, T.; Liiv, S.; Martin, J.; Martin, L.; Nilson, E.; Parmasto, E.; Pärn, A.; Püttsepp, J.; Roosma, A.; Saag, A.; Sander, E.; Zobel, K. (1994). Perekonnad Leptogium, Lobaria, Pannaria, Parmeliella, Peltigera, Solorina. Tartu: Tartu Ülikool
Kärnefelt, I.; Thell, A.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1994). The genus Flavocetraria Kärnefelt & Thell (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycotina) and its affinities. Stenroos, S. (Toim.). Focus on lichen taxonomy and biogeography: a festschrift in honour of Teuvo Ahti. Acta Botanica Fennica (79 - 86). Helsinki: Finnish Botanical Publishing Board
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Thell, A.; Kärnefelt, I. (1994). The lichen genus Tuckneraria Randlane & Thell - a new segregate in the Parmeliaceae. Stenroos, S. (Toim.). Focus on lichen taxonomy and biogeography: a festschrift in honour of Teuvo Ahti. Acta Botanica Fennica (143 - 151). Helsinki: Finnish Botanical Publishing Board
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1993). World list of cetrarioid lichens. Mycotaxon, 47, 395 - 403.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Kondratyuk, S. (1992). Genus Cetrelia Culb. et Culb. in the Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 48(1), 41 - 44.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1992). Tuckermannopsis americana contra Cetraria ciliaris in Russia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 29, 33 - 36.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1992). Genus Cetrelia Culb. et Culb. in URSS. Novitates Systematicae Plantarum non Vascularium, 28, 118 - 133.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1992). Additional data about the genus Nephromopsis (Lichens, Parmeliaceae). Mycotaxon, 44(2), 485 - 489.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1992). New combinations of some cetrarioid lichens (Parmeliaceae). Mycotaxon, 44(2), 491 - 493.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1991). Some chemosystematical data about the lichen genus Nephromopsis in the USSR. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 28, 26 - 30.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1991). Chemical and morphological variation in the genus Cetrelia in the Soviet-Union. The Lichenologist, 23, 113 - 126.
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1989). Chemical variation and geographical-distribution of Asahinea chrysantha (Tuck.) Culb. and C. Culb. The Lichenologist, 21, 303 - 311.