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Saag, L.; Tõrra, T.; Saag, A.; Del-Prado, R.; Randlane, T. (2011). Phylogenetic relations of European shrubby taxa of the genus Usnea. The Lichenologist, 43(5), 427 - 444. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Martellos, S.; Nimis, P. L. (2010). Computer-aided, interactive keys to lichens in the EU project KeyToNature, and related resources. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 105, 37 - 42. |
Saag, A.; Randlane, T.; Leht, M. (2010). Keys to plants and lichens on smartphones: Estonian examples. In: Nimis, P.
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Thell, A.; Högnabba, F.; Elix, J. A.; Feuerer, T.; Kärnefelt, I.; Myllys, L.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Stenroos, S.; Ahti, T.; Seaward, M. R.D. (2009). Phylogeny of the cetrarioid core (Parmeliaceae) based on five genetic markers. The Lichenologist, 41(5), 489 - 511. |
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Saag, L.; Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2009). World survey of the genus Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota). The Lichenologist, 41(1), 25 - 60. |
Saag, L.; Hansen, E.S.; Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2007). Survey of Lepraria and Leprocaulon in Greenland. Mycotaxon, 102, 57 - 90. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2007). Cetrarioid lichens in the southern hemisphere an identification key and distribution patterns of the species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 95, 489 - 499. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2006). Cetrarioid lichens in Europe - an identification key for the species. In: Lackovičova, A.; Guttova, A.; Lisicka, E.; Lizon, P. (eds). Central European lichens - diversity and threat, 75 - 84. Ithaca: Mycotaxon. |
Thell, A.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Kärnefelt, I. (2005). A new circumscription of the lichen genus Nephromopsis (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes) . Mycological Progress, 4(4), 303 - 316. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (koost.) (2004). Eesti pisisamblikud. 582 lk. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2004). Distribution patterns of some primary and secondary cetrarioid species. In: Thor, G.; Nordin, A.; Hedberg, I.; Tibell, L. (eds). Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses, 359 - 376. Uppsala: Uppsala University. |
Kalda, A.; Randlane, T.; Paal, T.; Saag, A. (2004). Väike sammalde ja samblike raamat. 224 lk. Tallinn: BIT. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (2003). Taxonomic notes on some cetrarioid lichens. Mycotaxon, 87, 479 - 487. |
Saag, A.; Randlane, T.; Thell, A.; Obermayer, W. (2002). Phylogenetic analysis of cetrarioid lichens with globose ascospores. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Biology, Ecology, 51(2), 103 - 123. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Suija, A. (2002). Biodiversity of lichenized taxa in Estonia: distribution of rare species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 82, 99 - 109. |
Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2002). Lichenological collections and relevant databases in the University of Tartu. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 82, 285 - 290. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Obermayer, W. (2001). Cetrarioid lichens containing usnic acid from the Tibetan area. Mycotaxon, 80, 389 - 425. |
Czeczuga, B.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Czeczuga-Semeniuk, E. (2000). Carotenoids in six species of the lichen genus Cetrelia from different sites in Eurasia. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 88, 51 - 60.
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Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1998). Changes in systematics of cetrarioid lichens. Sauteria, 9, 43 - 50. |
Saag, A. (1998). Evolutionary relationships in some cetrarioid genera (lichenized Ascomycota). (Doktoritöö, Tartu Ülikool, Bioloogia-geograafiateaduskond). Tartu: Tartu University Press |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1998). Synopsis of the genus Nephromopsis (fam. Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota). Cryptogamie Bryologie Lichenologie, 19(2-3), 175 - 191. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Thell, A. (1997). A second updated world list of cetrarioid lichens. The Bryologist, 100(1), 109 - 122. |
Thell, A.; Randlane, T.; Kärnefelt, T.; Gao, X.-Q.; Saag, A. (1995). The lichen genus Allocetraria (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae). In: Daniels, F.J.A.; Schulz, M.; Peine, J. (eds). Flechten Follmann: contributions to lichenology in honour of Gerhard Follmann, 353 - 370. Cologne: University of Cologne. |
Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (1995). Phylogenetic affinities of cetrarioid lichens. Cryptogamic Botany, 5(2), 128 - 136. |
Randlane, T.; Thell, A.; Saag, A. (1995). New data about the genera Cetrariopsis, Cetreliopsis and Nephromopsis (fam. Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycotina). Cryptogamie Bryologie Lichenologie, 16(1), 35 - 60. |
Thell, A.; Goward, T.; Randlane, T.; Karnefelt, EI.; Saag, A. (1995). Revision of the North American lichen genus Ahtiana (Parmeliaceae). The Bryologist, 98(4), 596 - 605. |
Kärnefelt, I.; Thell, A.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1994). The genus Flavocetraria Kärnefelt & Thell (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycotina) and its affinities. Acta Botanica Fennica, 150, 79 - 86. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Thell, A.; Kärnefelt, I. (1994). The lichen genus Tuckneraria Randlane & Thell - a new segregate in the Parmeliaceae. Acta Botanica Fennica, 150, 143 - 151. |
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Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1992). Additional data about the genus Nephromopsis (Lichens, Parmeliaceae). Mycotaxon, 44(2), 485 - 489. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1992). New combinations of some cetrarioid lichens (Parmeliaceae). Mycotaxon, 44(2), 491 - 493. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1991). Chemical and morphological variation in the genus Cetrelia in the Soviet Union. The Lichenologist, 23, 113 - 126. |
Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (1989). Chemical variation and geographical-distribution of Asahinea chrysantha (Tuck.) Culb. and C. Culb. The Lichenologist, 21, 303 - 311. |