People who can access a wiki or a blog fall into two categories: administrators and users. Each wiki or blog can have different access...
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A blog is like an online journal. Entries are arranged chronologically with the newest entries listed first.
The blog and the wi...
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One of the fastest, easiest, and most powerful ways to organize content is to use tags. Tags are short, descriptive words or phrases t...
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You can add comments to wiki pages or blog posts. By commenting on a page, you can give feedback on a page without editing the page's ...
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The editing toolbar allows you to easily add links to wiki pages, web pages, and email addresses.
After you link to a page, if t...
Today at 10:43 AM by
You can easily add tags to wiki pages, blog posts, and mailing list entries.
When adding tags, be aware of the tags used in your...
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The best way to attach a file for downloading is to create an archive (zip) of the file before uploading it to the server. Folders and...
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A list style includes whether a paragraph is in a bulleted or numbered list and whether it is indented. List styles apply to an entire...
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A paragraph style includes font and spacing settings applied to an entire paragraph, not a text selection.
To apply a paragraph ...
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A text style specifies whether a selection of text is:
Plain (no style applied)
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If you've already created a personal blog, you can choose whether to make it publicly or privately accessible. If you make it publicly...
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You can create wiki pages and blog posts using the same toolbar.
When creating wiki pages, be aware of whether you're creating o...
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Your wiki server can allow anyone who has an account on the wiki server to create a personal blog. It can also restrict who can create...
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If you've already created a personal blog, you can use settings to change its name or theme and to enable podcasting.
To view bl...
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When you delete a wiki page or blog post, the page remains on the server but its content is removed so the page doesn't show up in sea...
Today at 10:43 AM by
You can delete your own blog. When you delete your blog, all content in the blog is destroyed.
Warning: Deleting a blog is perma...
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Wiki pages and blog entries share the same editing toolbar.
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If you're an administrator for a wiki, you edit or remove existing tags.
When you edit a tag, you change all occurrences of that...
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Wiki pages and blog posts support media such as graphics, movies, and audio files.
When you insert a graphic, if the graphic is ...
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Wiki pages and blog posts include an easy-to-use table editor.
To insert a table:
While editing a page, pos...
Today at 10:43 AM by