List of species and infraspecific taxa

The full list (= index of all names) contains current names as well as synonyms and excluded taxa (misidentifications etc).
(1) It can be displayed also in the form where numbers of species and infraspecific taxa in genera are counted – click on the according button in the upper Menu.
(2) Clicking on the number of the species in the left column, the species page will be displayed where additional information about the taxon is available.

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Restore Original Sort Order Name Treatment in Estonia Remark Fungus type
1 Zyzygomyces physciacearum (Diederich) Diederich, Millanes & Wedin certain earlier under Syzygospora physciacearum Diederich lichenicolous
2 Zyzygomyces bachmannii (Diederich & M. S. Christ.) Diederich, Millanes & Wedin certain earlier under Syzygospora bachmannii Diederich & M.S. Christ. lichenicolous
3 Zyzygomyces aipoliae Diederich, Millanes, F. Berger & Ertz certain lichenicolous
4 Zwackhiomyces sphinctrinoides (Zwackh) Grube & Hafellner certain lichenicolous
5 Zwackhiomyces physciicola Alstrup certain lichenicolous
6 Zwackhiomyces lecanorae (Stein.) Nik. Hoffm. & Hafellner certain lichenicolous
7 Zwackhiomyces coepulonus (Norman) Grube & R. Sant. certain lichenicolous
8 Zwackhia viridis (Ach.) Poetsch & Schied. certain earlier under Opegrapha viridis lichenized
9 Zwackhia sorediifera (P. James) Ertz certain earlier under Opegrapha sorediifera lichenized
10 Xylopsora friesii (Ach.) Bendiksby & Timdal certain earlier under Hypocenomyce friesii lichenized
11 Xylopsora caradocensis (Nyl.) Bendiksby & Timdal certain earlier under Hypocenomyce caradocensis lichenized
12 Xylographa vitiligo (Ach.) J.R. Laundon certain lichenized
13 Xylographa trunciseda (Th. Fr.) Minks certain After earlier misidentification (Randlane, 2006) re-recorded in 2021. lichenized
14 Xylographa rubescens Räsänen certain lichenized
15 Xylographa parallela (Ach.) Fr. certain includes earlier misidentification of Xylographa trunciseda (Th. Fr.) Minks lichenized
16 Xylographa opegraphella Nyl. ex Rothr. certain lichenized
17 Xanthoriicola physciae (Kalchbr.) D. Hawksw. certain lichenicolous
18 Xanthoria sorediata (Vain.) Poelt synonym see: Rusavskia sorediata lichenized
19 Xanthoria polycarpa (Hoffm.) Th. Fr. ex Rieber synonym see: Polycauliona polycarpa; includes earlier misidentification of Xanthoria lobulata (Flörke) de Lesd. lichenized
20 Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. certain includes earlier misidentification of Xanthoria lobulata (Flörke) de Lesd. lichenized
21 Xanthoria oregana Gyeln. synonym see: Xanthomendoza oregana lichenized
22 Xanthoria lobulata (Flörke) de Lesd. misidentification excluded as misidentification: re-identified as Caloplaca holocarpa, Xanthoria parietina and X. polycarpa lichenized
23 Xanthoria fulva (Hoffm.) Poelt & Petutschnig synonym see: Xanthomendoza fulva lichenized
24 Xanthoria fallax (Arnold) Arnold synonym see: Xanthomendoza fallax lichenized
25 Xanthoria elegans (Link) Th. Fr. synonym see: Rusavskia elegans lichenized