List of species and infraspecific taxa

The full list (= index of all names) contains current names as well as synonyms and excluded taxa (misidentifications etc).
(1) It can be displayed also in the form where numbers of species and infraspecific taxa in genera are counted – click on the according button in the upper Menu.
(2) Clicking on the number of the species in the left column, the species page will be displayed where additional information about the taxon is available.

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Restore Original Sort Order Name Treatment in Estonia Remark Fungus type
1 Acarospora smaragdula (Wahlenb. ex Ach.) A. Massal. synonym see: Myriospora smaragdula lichenized
2 Acarospora veronensis A. Massal. certain lichenized
3 Acarospora versicolor Bagl. & Carestia certain lichenized
4 Acolium inquinans A. Massal. certain earlier under Cyphelium inquinans (Sm.) Trevis. lichenized
5 Acolium sessile (Pers.) Arnold certain earlier under Cyphelium sessile (Pers.) Trevis. lichenicolous
6 Acremonium antarcticum (Speg.) D. Hawksw. certain lichenicolous
7 Acrocordia cavata (Ach.) R.C. Harris certain lichenized
8 Acrocordia conoidea (Fr.) Körb. certain lichenized
9 Acrocordia gemmata (Ach.) A. Massal. certain lichenized
10 Acrocordia salweyi (Keight. Ex Nyl.) A.L. Sm. certain lichenized
11 Adelococcus alpestris (Zopf) Zopf ex Arnold certain lichenicolous
12 Adelolecia kolaënsis (Nyl.) Hertel & Rambold certain lichenized
13 Agonimia allobata (Stizenb.) P. James certain lichenized
14 Agonimia gelatinosa (Ach.) M. Brand & Diederich certain earlier under Polyblastia gelatinosa (Ach.) Th. Fr. lichenized
15 Agonimia globulifera M. Brand & Diederich certain lichenized
16 Agonimia tristicula (Nyl.) Zahlbr. certain lichenized
17 Agonimia vouauxii (B. de Lesd.) M. Brand & Diederich certain lichenized
18 Alectoria sarmentosa (Ach.) Ach. certain lichenized
19 Alyxoria culmigena (Lib.) Ertz certain earlier under Opegrapha herbarum Mont. & Opegrapha culmigena Lib. lichenized
20 Alyxoria mougeotii (A. Massal.) Ertz, Frisch & G. Thor certain earlier under Opegrapha mougeotii lichenized
21 Alyxoria ochrocheila (Nyl.) Ertz & Tehler certain earlier under Opegrapha ochrocheila lichenized
22 Alyxoria varia (Pers.) Ertz & Tehler certain earlier under Opegrapha varia lichenized
23 Amandinea cacuminum (Th. Fr.) H. Mayrhofer & Sheard certain earlier under Rinodina cacuminum (Th. Fr.) Malme lichenized
24 Amandinea coniops (Wahlenb.) Scheid. & H. Mayrhofer certain lichenized
25 Amandinea punctata (Hoffm.) Coppins & Scheid. certain lichenized