List of species and infraspecific taxa

The full list (= index of all names) contains current names as well as synonyms and excluded taxa (misidentifications etc).
(1) It can be displayed also in the form where numbers of species and infraspecific taxa in genera are counted – click on the according button in the upper Menu.
(2) Clicking on the number of the species in the left column, the species page will be displayed where additional information about the taxon is available.

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Restore Original Sort Order Name Treatment in Estonia Remark Fungus type
1 Arthonia incarnata Almq. certain lichenized
2 Arthonia intexta Almq. certain lichenicolous
3 Arthonia lapidicola (Taylor) Branth. & Rostr. synonym see: Bryostigma lapidicola (Taylor) S.Y. Kondr. & Hur lichenized
4 Arthonia leucopellaea (Ach.) Almq. synonym see: Felipes leucopellaeus (Ach.) Frisch & G. Thor lichenized
5 Arthonia ligniaria Hellb. certain lichenized
6 Arthonia mediella Nyl. certain lichenized
7 Arthonia molendoi (Heufl. ex Frauenf.) R. Sant. misidentification Excluded as misidentification; re-identified as Bryostigma parietinarium lichenicolous
8 Arthonia muscigena Th. Fr. synonym see: Bryostigma muscigenum lichenized
9 Arthonia patellulata Nyl. certain lichenized
10 Arthonia punctiformis Ach. synonym see: Naevia punctiformis saprotrophic
11 Arthonia radiata (Pers.) Ach. certain lichenized
12 Arthonia ruana A. Massal. synonym see: Arthothelium ruanum lichenized
13 Arthonia spadicea Leight. synonym see:Diarthonis spadicea lichenized
14 Arthonia subfuscicola (Linds.) Triebel certain lichenicolous
15 Arthonia varians (Davies) Nyl. certain earlier under Arthonia glaucomaria Nyl. lichenicolous
16 Arthonia vinosa Leight. certain lichenized
17 Arthopyrenia analepta Anzi certain earlier under Arthopyrenia lapponina Anzi saprotrophic
18 Arthopyrenia antecellens (Nyl.) Arnold synonym see: Mycoporum antecellens saprotrophic
19 Arthopyrenia cerasi (Schrad.) A. Massal. certain saprotrophic
20 Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosa (Schaer.) A. Massal. certain saprotrophic
21 Arthopyrenia grisea (Schleich. ex Schaer.) Körb. certain saprotrophic
22 Arthopyrenia lapponina Anzi synonym see: Arthopyrenia analepta saprotrophic
23 Arthopyrenia punctiformis (Pers.) A. Massal. synonym see: Naetrocymbe punctiformis saprotrophic
24 Arthopyrenia rhyponta (Ach.) A. Massal. synonym see: Naetrocymbe rhyponta saprotrophic
25 Arthothelium ruanum (A. Massal.) Körb. certain earlier under Arthonia ruana lichenized