Lauri Saag: 9

PhD, researcher (employment not active),

University of Tartu, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, Department of Botany

Lai st. 38, 51005, Tartu


Tel: 737 6217 (6217); e-mail:

Senior researcher,

Estonian Biocentre

Riia 23b, 51010, Tartu


Look up the CV and publication list in ETIS.

My main scientific interests include phylogeny and taxonomy of lichens. Currently our team focusses on cetrarioid and usneoid taxa in the family Parmeliaceae which is the biggest family of lichenized fungi, containing ca 80 genera and 2700 species. We mostly rely on DNA data but also use morphological and chemical characters.

To some extent I also take part in the ecological studies, using my knowledge in sterile microlichens as well as statistical analysis.

Selected publications

Saag, Lauri; Tõrra, Tiiu; Saag, Andres; Del-Prado, Ruth; Randlane, Tiina (2011). Phylogenetic relations of European shrubby taxa of the genus Usnea. The Lichenologist, 43(5), 427 - 444.

Marmor, L.; Tõrra, T.; Saag, L.; Randlane, T. (2011). Effects of forest continuity and tree age on epiphytic lichen biota in coniferous forests in Estonia. Ecological Indicators, 11(5), 1270 - 1276.

Randlane, T.; Tõrra, T.; Saag, A.; Saag, L. (2009). Key to European Usnea species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 100, 419 - 462.

Saag, L.; Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2009). World survey of the genus Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota). The Lichenologist, 41(1), 25 - 60.

Saag, L. (2008). Taxonomic and ecologic problems in the genus Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae, lichenised Ascomycota). (Doktoritöö, Tartu Ülikool, Loodus- ja tehnoloogiateaduskond, Tartu Ülikooli Ökoloogia- ja Maateaduste Instituut) Tartu: Tartu University Press

Saag, L.; Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2008). The world key of the genus Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota). In: XVII Symposium of the Baltic Mycologists and Lichenologists Abstracts: Tartu University, 2008, 32.

Saag, L. (2007). The substrate preferences of epiphytic Lepraria species in old-growth forests in Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 43, 51 - 56.

Saag, L.; Hansen, E.S.; Saag, A.; Randlane, T. (2007). Survey of Lepraria and Leprocaulon in Greenland. Mycotaxon, 102, 57 - 90.

Randlane, Tiina; Saag, Andres (koost.); Jüriado, Inga; Lõhmus, Piret; Nilson, Eva; Saag, Lauri; Suija, Ave (teksti autorid) (2004). Eesti pisisamblikud. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus

Lõhmus, P.; Saag, L.; Lõhmus, A. (2003). Is there merit in identifying leprarioid crusts to species in ecological studies? The Lichenologist, 35, 187 - 190.

Randlane, T.; Saag, A. (editors). Contributors: Jüriado, I.; Lõhmus, P.; Martin, J.; Martin, L.; Nilson, E.; Piin, T.; Randlane, T.; Saag, A.; Saag, L.; Sarv, M.; Suija, A.; Temina, M.; Trass, H. (1999). Second checklist of lichenized, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 35, 1 - 132.

Saag, L.; Saag, A. (1999). The genus Lepraria (Lichenes Imperfecti) in Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 34, 55 - 63.


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