PhD, assistant professor in lichenology,
Department of Botany, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences,
University of Tartu
J.Liivii 2, 50409, Tartu
Tel: e-mail: inga.juriado@ut.ee
Look for CV and list of publications in ETIS.
My main scientific interest is the community ecology of lichens. I have studied lichen biodiversity and composition in various habitats (old-growth forest, wooded meadows, parks, alvars, dunes) and substrates (trees, rocks, ground) considering different factors affecting the lichen assemblages. My special interest has been the effect of forest management on lichens, as well as the influence of traditional land use on lichen assemblages in semi-natural habitats, like wooded meadows and alvar grasslands. Using the composition of functional traits of lichens, I have assessed how different functional groups of lichens react to habitat changes in alvars, dunes or forests. I am especially interested in cyanolichns having cyanobacteria in thallus as the photobiont. Using molecular markers, I have studied the effect of forest management on genetic diversity of Lobaria pulmonaria and assessed the diversity of Peltigera species in particular habitats. The main goals of my current research are to contribute to the recognition of evolutionary reasonable taxa in genus Peltigera, and to study the patterns of specificity among symbiotic partners of cyanolichens. I am especially interested in the specificity patterns of cyanolichens in connection with the environmental conditions of habitat.
I have been involved in different nature conservation projects of Estonia, conducted numerous species inventories and participated in projects of evaluation IUCN categories of red list lichens of Estonia (2008, 2019-2023). In addition to supervising students in various academic levels, I have introduced lichens to schoolchildren, teachers, and the staff of environmental institutions as well as published several popular science articles.Selected publications
Jüriado, I.; Kaasalainen, U.; Jylhä, M.; Rikkinen, J. (2019). Relationships between mycobiont identity, photobiont specificity and ecological preferences in the lichen genus Peltigera (Ascomycota) in Estonia (northeastern Europe). Fungal Ecology 39, 45-54.
Jüriado, I.; Kaasalainen, U.; Rikkinen, J. (2017). Specialist taxa restricted to threatened habitats contribute significantly to the regional diversity of Peltigera (Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota) in Estonia. Fungal Ecology 30, 76-87.
Marmor, L.; Randlane, T.; Jüriado, I.; Saag, A. (2017). Host tree preferences of red-listed epiphytic lichens in Estonia. Baltic Forestry 23: 364-373.
Jüriado, I.; Kämärä M.-L.; Oja, E. (2016). Environmental factors and ground disturbance affecting the composition of species and functional traits of ground layer lichens on grey dunes and dune heaths of Estonia. Nordic Journal of Botany 34: 244-255.
Jüriado, I.; Leppik, E.; Lõhmus, P.; Randlane, T.; Liira, J. (2015). Epiphytic lichens on Juniperus communis – an unexplored component of biodiversity in threatened alvar grassland. Nordic Journal of Botany 33: 128-139.
Leppik, E.; Jüriado, I.; Suija, A.; Liira, J. (2015). Functional ecology of rare and common epigeic lichens in alvar grasslands. Fungal Ecology 13: 66-76.
Leppik, E.; Jüriado, I.; Suija, A.; Liira, J. (2013). The conservation of ground layer lichen communities in alvar grasslands and the relevance of substitution habitats. Biodiversity and Conservation, 22(3), 591 - 614.
Jüriado, I.; Karu, L.; Liira, J. (2012). Habitat conditions and host tree properties affect the occurrence, abundance and fertility of the endangered lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in wooded meadows of Estonia. The Lichenologist, 44(2), 263 - 276.
Leppik, E.; Jüriado, I.; Liira, J. (2011). Changes in stand structure due to the cessation of traditional land use in wooded meadows impoverishes epiphytic lichen communities. The Lichenologist, 43, 257 - 274.
Jüriado, I.; Liira, J.; Csencsics, D.; Widmer, I.; Adolf, C.; Kohv, K.; Scheidegger, C. (2011). Dispersal ecology of the endangered woodland lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in managed hemiboreal forest landscape. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20(8), 1803 - 1819.
Jüriado, I.; Liira, J.; Paal, J. (2009). Diversity of epiphytic lichens in boreo-nemoral forests on the North-Estonian limestone escarpment: the effect of tree level factors and local environmental conditions. The Lichenologist, 41(1), 81 - 96.
Jüriado, I.; Liira, J.; Paal, J.; Suija, A. (2009). Tree and stand level variables influencing diversity of lichens on temperate broad-leaved trees in boreo-nemoral floodplain forests. Biodiversity and Conservation, 18(1), 105 - 125.
Jüriado, I.; Suija, A.; Liira, J. (2006). Biogeographical determinants of lichen species diversity on islets in the West-Estonian Archipelago. Journal of Vegetation Science, 17(2), 125 - 134.
Meier, E.; Paal, J.; Liira, J.; Juriado, I. (2005). Influence of tree stand age and management on the species diversity in Estonian eutrophic alvar and boreo-nemoral Pinus sylvestris forests. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 20, 135 - 144.
Jüriado, I.; Paal, J.; Liira, J. (2003). Epiphytic and epixylic lichen species diversity in Estonian natural forests. Biodiversity and Conservation, 12, 1587 - 1607.
Jüriado, I.; Liira, J. (2010). Threatened forest lichen Lobaria pulmonaria – its past, present and future in Estonia. Metsanduslikud Uurimused (Forestry Studies), 53, 15 - 24.
Jüriado, I.; Liira, J. (2009). Distribution and habitat ecology of the threatened forest lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 46, 55 - 65.
Leppik, E.; Jüriado, I. (2008). Factors important for epiphytic lichen communities in wooded meadows of Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 44, 75 - 87.
Randlane, T.; Jüriado, I.; Suija, A.; Lõhmus, P.; Leppik, E. (2008). Lichens in the new Red List of Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 44, 113 - 120.
Suija, A.; Lõhmus, P.; Jüriado, I. (2007). The lichen biota of the Agusalu and Puhatu reserves (Estonia): the first overview. Metsanduslikud Uurimused (Forestry Studies), 47, 99 - 116.
Jüriado, I. (2007). Diversity of lichen species in Estonia: influence of regional and local factors. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
Randlane, Tiina; Saag, Andres (eds); Jüriado, Inga; Lõhmus, Piret; Nilson, Eva; Saag, Lauri; Suija, Ave (authors of text) (2004). Eesti pisisamblikud. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.