PhD, researcher,
University of Tartu, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, Department of Botany
Lai 38, 51005, Tartu
Tel: +372 737 6217; +372 5169728; e-mail: marmor@ut.ee
Look up the CV and publication list in ETIS.
My main research field is the ecology of epiphytic lichens, with an emphasis on the use of indicator lichens in the bioindication of different environmental variables. In relation to air pollution, I have studied the effects of bark pH on lichen diversity and species composition, and the changes in epiphytic lichen communities due to traffic and dust pollution.
I have also studied forest lichens, in some cases from tree bottom to the top. One part of my PhD thesis dealt with the effects of historical forest continuity and tree age on lichen diversity in Estonian coniferous forests; based on this study we proposed couple of most frequent and easily applicable old forest indicator lichens in Estonia. Also, we compared lichen species composition between Estonian and Fennoscandian old coniferous forests in order to find out possible common indicator species for the area.
Besides participating in research projects I have been conducting lichen inventories in Estonian nature protection areas and teaching varoius lichen cources.