Samblikud Tartu Ülikooli herbaariumis
Lichens in the herbarium of the University of Tartu (TU)

First   |   Prev   |   Record 3165 - 3189 of 3464   |   Next   |   Last      
name type GEN EST GEN box EST box
Tremella coppinsii Diederich & D. Hawksw. no EST 286
Tremella hypogymniae Diederich & M.S. Christ. no EST 286
Tremella lichenicola Diederich no EST 286
Tremella lobariaceum Diederich & M.S. Christ. no GEN 119
Tremella parmeliarum Diederich no GEN 119
Tremella phaeophysciae Diederich & M.S. Christ. no EST 286
Tremella ramalinae Diederich no GEN EST 119 286
Tremolecia atrata (Ach.) Hertel no GEN EST 119 286
Trichonectria anisospora (Lowen) Van den Boom & Diederich no EST 286
Trichonectria rubefaciens (Ellis & Everh.) Diederich & Schroers no GEN EST 119 286
Tromera epiphaeotera Vain. no GEN 119
Tromera perfidiosa (Nyl.) Räsänen no GEN 199
Trypethelium eluteriae Spreng. no GEN 119
Trypethelium ochroleucum (Eschw.) Nyl. no GEN 119
Trypethelium tropicum (Ach.) Müll. Arg. no GEN 119
Trypethelium virens Tuck. ex Michener no GEN 119
Tuckermannopsis americana (Spreng.) Hale no GEN 119
Tuckermannopsis chlorophylla (Willd.) Hale no GEN EST 119 286
Tuckermannopsis ciliaris (Ach.) Gyeln. no GEN 120
Tuckermannopsis gilva (Asahina) M.J. Lai no GEN 120
Tuckermannopsis inermis (Nyl.) Kärnefelt no GEN 120
Tuckermannopsis microphylla (W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb.) M.J. Lai no GEN 120
Tuckermannopsis orbata (Nyl.) M.J. Lai no GEN 120
Tuckermannopsis platyphylla (Tuck.) Hale no GEN 120
Tuckermannopsis platyphylloides (Asahina) M.J. Lai no GEN 120