Samblikud Tartu Ülikooli herbaariumis
Lichens in the herbarium of the University of Tartu (TU)

First   |   Prev   |   Record 3115 - 3139 of 3464   |   Next   |   Last      
name type GEN EST GEN box EST box
Thelocarpon laureri (Flot.) Nyl. no GEN EST 118 284
Thelocarpon superellum Nyl. no GEN 118
Thelomma occidentale (Herre) Tibell no GEN 118
Thelomma ocellatum (Körb.) Tibell no GEN EST 118 284
Thelopsis isiaca Stizenb. no GEN 118
Thelopsis metathelia Nyl. no GEN 118
Thelopsis rubella Nyl. no GEN 118
Thelotrema adjectum Nyl. no GEN 118
Thelotrema decorticans Müll. Arg. no GEN 118
Thelotrema dissutum Hale no GEN 118
Thelotrema lepadinum (Ach.) Ach. no GEN EST 118 284
Thelotrema petractoides P.M. Jørg. & Brodo no GEN 118
Thermutis velutina (Ach.) Flot. no GEN 118
Tholurna dissimilis (Norman) Norman no GEN 118
Thrombium epigaeum (Pers.) Wallr. no GEN EST 118 285
Thyrea confusa Henssen no GEN 118
Thysanothecium hookeri Mont. & Berk. no GEN 118
Thysanothecium scutellatum (Fr.) D.J. Galloway no GEN 118
Tibellia dimerelloides Vězda & Hafellner no GEN 118
Tomasellia arthonioides (A. Massal.) A. Massal. no GEN 118
Tomasellia gelatinosa (Chev.) Arnold no GEN 118
Toninia affinis Vězda no GEN 119
Toninia aromatica (Sm.) A. Massal. no GEN 119
Toninia athallina (Hepp) Timdal no GEN 119
Toninia bullata (Meyen & Flot.) Zahlbr. no GEN 119