Samblikud Tartu Ülikooli herbaariumis
Lichens in the herbarium of the University of Tartu (TU)

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name type GEN EST GEN box EST box
Sphaerophorus fragilis (L.) Pers. no GEN 111
Sphaerophorus globosus (Huds.) Vain. no GEN EST 111 281
Sphaerophorus stereocauloides Nyl. no GEN 112
Sphaerophorus turfaceus Asahina no GEN 112
Sphinctrina anglica Nyl. no GEN 112
Sphinctrina leucopoda Nyl. no GEN 112
Sphinctrina tubiformis A. Massal. no GEN 112
Sphinctrina turbinata (Pers.) De Not. no GEN EST 112 282
Spilonema paradoxum Bornet no GEN 112
Spilonema revertens Nyl. no GEN 112
Sporastatia polyspora (Nyl.) Grummann no GEN 112
Sporastatia testudinea (Ach.) A. Massal. no GEN 112
Sporodictyon cruentum (Körb.) Körb. no GEN 112
Sporodictyon minutum Savic & Tibell no GEN 112
Sporodictyon terrestre (Th. Fr.) Savić & Tibell no GEN 112
Squamarina cartilaginea (With.) P. James no GEN 112
Squamarina concrescens (Müll. Arg.) Poelt no GEN 112
Squamarina lamarckii (DC.) Poelt no GEN 112
Squamarina lentigera (Weber) Poelt no GEN EST 112 282
Staurothele areolata (Ach.) Lettau no GEN 112
Staurothele clopima (Wahlenb.)Th. Fr. no GEN 112
Staurothele diffractella (Nyl.) Tuck. no GEN 112
Staurothele fissa (Taylor) Zwackh no GEN EST 112 282
Staurothele frustulenta Vain. no GEN EST 112 282
Staurothele fuscocuprea (Nyl.) Zschacke no GEN 112